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Databases available from Indiana Genealogical Society
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Beery Cemetery
Adams County Indiana Beery Cemetery
Belle Union HS Grads 1949
Putnam County Indiana Belle Union HS Grads 1949
Belle Union HS Grads 1951
Putnam County Indiana Belle Union HS Grads 1951
Belle Union HS Grads 1954
Putnam County Indiana Belle Union HS Grads 1954
Belle Union HS Grads 1955
Putnam County Indiana Belle Union HS Grads 1955
Belle Union HS Grads 1958
Putnam County Indiana Belle Union HS Grads 1958
Ben Davis Grads 1898-1938
Marion County Indiana Ben Davis Grads 1898-1938
Benjamin Helms Civil War Diary
Benjamin Helms Civil War Diary Monroe County
Bentonville Students 1925
Fayette County Indiana Bentonville Students 1925
Bentonville Teachers 1925
Fayette County Indiana Bentonville Teachers 1925
Bethel Baptist Cemetery
Allen County Indiana Bethel Baptist Cemetery
Bethel Cemetery
Wells County Indiana Bethel Cemetery
Bethel Wallen Cemetery
Allen County Indiana Bethel Wallen Cemetery
Bethlehem Lutheran Cemetery
Wells County Indiana Bethlehem Lutheran Cemetery
Biberstine Moser Cemetery
Adams County Indiana Biberstine Moser Cemetery
Big Cedar Grove Church 1817-1835
Franklin County Indiana Big Cedar Grove Church 1817-1835
Bios 1887
Boone County Indiana Bios 1887
Birth Records 1907-1908
Hendricks County Indiana Birth Records 1907-1908
Blake School Students 1906
Blackford County Indiana Blake School Students 1906
Bloomington Businesses 1976
Monroe County Indiana Bloomington Businesses 1976
Bloomington Deaths 1927-1930
Monroe County Indiana Bloomington Deaths 1927-1930
Bloomington HS 1912
Monroe County Indiana Bloomington HS 1912
Blue River Cemetery
Whitley County Indiana Blue River Cemetery
Boggs Cemetery
Whitley County Indiana Boggs Cemetery
Boone Twp Common Schools Grads 1918
Madison County Indiana Boone Twp Common Schools Grads 1918
Booneville Cemetery
Whitley County Indiana Booneville Cemetery
Boundary Line Cemetery
Wabash County Indiana Boundary Line Cemetery
Bovard Cemetery
Switzerland County Indiana Bovard Cemetery
Bowling Green HS Grads 1924-1965
Clay County Indiana Bowling Green HS Grads 1924-1965
Brandywine Common School Grads 1924
Hancock County Indiana Brandywine Common School Grads 1924
Branstrator Cemetery
Allen County Indiana Branstrator Cemetery
Brazil HS Alumni 1918
Clay County Indiana Brazil HS Alumni 1918
Brazil HS Students 1918
Clay County Indiana Brazil HS Students 1918
Brazil HS Teachers 1918
Clay County Indiana Brazil HS Teachers 1918
Brenton Chapel Cemetery
Allen County Indiana Brenton Chapel Cemetery
Brick School Students 1908
Marshall County Indiana Brick School Students 1908
Broadway Cemetery
Noble County Indiana Broadway Cemetery
Brook HS Graduates 1917
Newton County Indiana Brook HS Graduates 1917
Brooks Cemetery
Wabash County Indiana Brooks Cemetery
Brooks Cemetery
Jay County Indiana Brooks Cemetery