CCC Angola 1938
Civilian Conservation Corps
Database Description
submitted by Carnegie Public Library of Steuben County
NOTE: This index was created by the Goodale Abstract Company in Angola. It
was converted into a database by Mormon workers.
The death dates in this index are scattered, but they range as early as
1831 and as late as 1938.
submitted by Carnegie Public Library of Steuben County
NOTE: This index was created by the Goodale Abstract Company in Angola. It
was converted into a database by Mormon workers.
The death dates in this index are scattered, but they range as early as
1831 and as late as 1938.
List of People in CCC Angola 1938
Ralph A. Alcock
Clarence J. Amerman
Hubert E. Anderson
Merle Armey
Harry M Atchison
Rod L. Baeske
Roland Jr. Bailey
Julian L. Baker
Wilbur H. Barbour
Ben Jr. Bennett
Alton O. Betz
Ralph A. Bice
Ferdinand A. Bilski
George J. Blanchard
Robert V. Blue
Chester Bond
Harold Boocher
Thomas F. Borosh
Leonard D. Borts
Robert D. Bowerman
Harl D. Jr. Brown
Max R. Buckmaster
Ernest B. Bucks
Henry Bulger
Lynn S. Bungard
Clarence R. Burns
George Campbell
Paul Campbell
Ralph L. Cannan
Max C. Castator
Hobert Childers
Paul R. Cianteo
Marion P. Jr. Clark
William B. Conner
James L. Cook
Edwin M. Coon
L'Dean Jr. Cornelius
James Cox
Earl F. Crouch
Walter D. Crowl