
African CCC Wadesville 1938

Civilian Conservation Corps

Database Description

Roster of Company 1598, Camp SCS-6,
Civilian Conservation Corps,
Wadesville, Posey County, IN, 1938-39
Extracted by Ron Darrah
The Civilian Conservation Corps was a New Deal employment program operating from 1933 to 1942. The aim, besides work relief, was to promote tree planting, park construction, flood control, forest fire prevention, and similar environmental tasks.
The United States and Indiana had numerous CCC companies, all of which were racially segregated; Company 1598 was an African-American unit, stationed in the late 1930’s in Posey County. The unit members, called Enrollees, were drawn from a wide area and were not necessarily from the Posey County area. Some may even have not been from Indiana.
The following roster was taken from a softbound book in the Indiana State Library, titled “Indiana District, Civilian Conservation Corps, 1938-1939.” Many other Indiana companies are also listed in the book. [Note: Names marked with an asterisk* are white supervisors and/or teachers.]
The Indiana State Library has a collection of Camp Eagle newspapers from this Company and Camp that researchers may use for additional information on Enrollees. The National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis should have a file on each Company member.



Date Range


List of People in African CCC Wadesville 1938

Items 1 - 40 of 158
Items 1 - 40 of 158

2 Source Files in African CCC Wadesville 1938