
Wwi Medal Recipients

Marion County Indiana Wwi Medal Recipients

Database Description

Name Index, World War One Medal Recipients,
Marion County, Indiana
In 1932 the Historical Bureau of the Indiana Library and Historical Department published the "Indiana Book of Merit," subtitled “Official Individual Decorations and Commendations Awarded to Indiana Men and Women for Services in the World War.”
This 827-page book, compiled by Henry A. Rider, is in the collection of many major Indiana libraries. It contains biographical entries, military and civilian, and usually photos of individuals from throughout Indiana.
This database contains the names of entries from Marion County. Researchers should consult the book for the full entries of individuals.



Date Range


List of People in Wwi Medal Recipients

Items 1 - 40 of 175
Items 1 - 40 of 175

1 Source File in Wwi Medal Recipients