Alexandria HS Students 1932
Madison County Indiana Alexandria HS Students 1932
Database Description
Submitted by Wayne Klusman
Source: The Spectrum 1932 (the yearbook of Alexandria High School 1932)
Contains information on students in grades 9-12.
Source: The Spectrum 1932 (the yearbook of Alexandria High School 1932)
Contains information on students in grades 9-12.
List of People in Alexandria HS Students 1932
Geneva Aldridge
Hansel Aldridge
Frank Alexander
John Alexander
Robert Alexander
Harold Allen
Inez Allen
Irma Anderson
Madge Anderson
Vivian Arnold
Kathryn Arnott
Robert Arnott
Floyd Ayers
Rebecca Azimow
Curtis Babcock
Bill Bailey
Jean Baker
Paul Barkes
Charles Barth
Mary Agnes Barton
Helen Bassett
Opal Bastine
Albert Baumgartner
Darrell Beeman
Mildred Bell
Gertrude Bender
Mary Bender
Robert Bender
Lois Bennett
Oscar Benson
Marguerite Berg
Ione Marie Bitner
Evelyn Ruth Black
Eva Marie Blake
Eva Marie Blake
Robert Blake
Eugene Booth
Jimmy Bosley
Leona Bradford
Mary Helen Bradford