Central Normal Students 1935 Winter
Indiana Central Normal Students 1935 Winter
Database Description
Students who attended in 1934-1935 school year
The Republican (Danville, Indiana) – issue of Thursday, August 15,
1935—page 9, columns 1-5
The Republican (Danville, Indiana) – issue of Thursday, August 15,
1935—page 9, columns 1-5
List of People in Central Normal Students 1935 Winter
Leslie Abolt
James Ade
Leo Agan
Grace Akers
Ivan Albright
Esther Alcorn
Eugene Alexander
Maxine Allen
May Louise Alter
Sidney Amy
Joe Andrews
Helen Angrick
Russel Apple
John Appleby
Lloyd Armstrong
Pauline Arnold
Ruth Jane Arnold
Louise Bain
Helen Baker
Herschel Baker
Daniel Ballard
Edgar Baney
Doris Bates
Mary K. Beadle
Mildred Beaman
Bernice Beamer
Dorthymae Beeson
Gene Bell
Walter Bell
Noble Benbow
Nina Bennett
Lester Bernardi
Cecil Bingham
Beulah Bird
Walter Blanda
James Blanford
Martha Boatman
Howard Bock
Joe Bodine
Floyd Bosley