Central Normal Graduates 1939
Indiana Central Normal Graduates 1939
Database Description
source: A commencement program for Central Normal College, June 1939
[in the collection of Plainfield Public Library]
[in the collection of Plainfield Public Library]
List of People in Central Normal Graduates 1939
Grace Acuff
Goldiene Akers
Mary E. Alexander
Christina Allison
Geneva Andrews
Kenneth Andrews
Martha Ida Apple
Kenneth Baird
Ira G. Barker
Mary Jane Beaman
Charles Bell
Alvin Beumer
Samuel M. Blue
Eugene Boothroyd
Vernon E. Boswell
Geneva Mae Briggs
Ernest Brown
Doris Broyles
Charles L. Brunson
Floyd Burroughs
Charles E. Bush
Carl E. Butt
Ganelle Bymaster
Mildred J. Carter
Edna Mae Caudell
Helen L. Chance
Anne Christie
Geneva Cuddy
Ava J. Cunningham
Lee Cunningham
Mary Frances Curry
Keith Davis
Thelma Deer
Jay Duley
Chalmer Dunn
Estol W. Eads
Catherine Eldridge
Grace Enlow
Lima Browdues, Mrs. Ennis
Norma Everhardt