Civil War 86 Infantry
Indiana Civil War 86 Infantry
Database Description
Submitted by Marilyn Clark
This is a transcription of a diary written in 1864 by Robert B. Craig of
Bartholomew County, Indiana, who served in Company G of the 33rd Indiana
Infantry. The diary is quite fragile with loose leather binding, so only
some of its pages were scanned and included alongside the transcription.
Submitted by Marilyn Clark
This is a transcription of a diary written in 1864 by Robert B. Craig of
Bartholomew County, Indiana, who served in Company G of the 33rd Indiana
Infantry. The diary is quite fragile with loose leather binding, so only
some of its pages were scanned and included alongside the transcription.
List of People in Civil War 86 Infantry
Manson C. Abney
Rilen T. Abney
Irwin M. Adair
Irwin M. Adair
Samuel Adams
Henry Ale
Abraham Alexander
Alfred Alexander
James Alexander
John R. Alexander
John T. Alexander
Samuel Alexander
William Alexander
Benjamin W. Allen
William Allen
George Allhands
James Anderson
James W. Anderson
Joseph V. Anderson
Perry B. Anderson
Peter W. Anderson
William Anderson
George E. Armer
John S. Armitage
James F. Armstrong
Benjamin A. Ashba
Jonathan Ashba
Charles W. Ashley
William Ashpaugh
Joseph W. Aughe
Joel M. Bacon
Silas Bailey
Tighlman Bailey
John Bainbridge
Alonzo Baker
George W. Baker
John Baker
John Baldis
George Baldwin
William J. Baldwin