Civil War 1 Battery
Indiana Civil War 1 Battery
Database Description
Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Indiana: Containing Indiana
in the War of The Rebellion, and Statistics and Documents (Indianapolis:
Alexander H. Conner, State Printer, 1869) [Volumes III, VII and VIII]
Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Indiana: Containing Indiana
in the War of The Rebellion, and Statistics and Documents (Indianapolis:
Alexander H. Conner, State Printer, 1869) [Volumes III, VII and VIII]
List of People in Civil War 1 Battery
Robert Adams
Adolph Ahl
Henry Ahl
Michael Ahl
Frederick Ambruster
George A. Baetz
John Baker
Louis Bardis
Charles Barry
Henry Bassemer
Gottleib Bauerle
Andrew Baumann
John Begert
John Betscher
George Bex
Anthony Bihler
Frederick Bilter
William Bischman
John Louis, Jr. Bittrolff
John Louis, Jr. Bittrolff
Theodore Brandly
William Branson
Charles Braun
John Braun
Theodore Braun
Henry Bredenkamp
Jacob Brend
Gottlieb Burger
George Burkhart
David Burnett
William Busch
Jacob Buser
Hermann Bussing
James W. Chambers
John W. Chambers
Michael D. Clapp
William Cochran
Marcus W. Collet
Joseph Cowgill
Edward Danelict